Small beginnings

If the virus numbers hold, we’ll be able to open up – just a crack – in late October or in November.  No normal plays yet.  But we have some ideas for a baby step toward normalcy.  During dinner, we’re hoping to have some virtual music treats from Good Company Players.

We’re planning to have dinner seatings, with reservations through our box office, between 5 and 8 P.M.  Our maximum occupancy will be 50 to 70, so there will be plenty of room to space everyone out in our building.  Masks will be required except when seated at the table.

Our very top priority is to keep you and our employees as safe as we possibly can.  You can expect we will act accordingly with spacing, protection and sanitation.


Thinking outside the box

A second possibility being explored is to create a dining area in the parking lot to the south of our building.  Tyler Mackey of the Tower District Marketing Committee has been working with City Councilor Esmeralda Soria to make provision for more outdoor eating spaces in the district.

The area would be fenced off and equipped with tables and a small stage.  Good Company Players would be able to provide some limited musical entertainment. The outdoor space could be used as long as the good weather lasts.


We’d love to take your pulse

Are you ready yet to go out for dinner?  Do you have a preference between indoors and outdoors?  Would you enjoy some smaller entertainments from Good Company Players until we can resume our Broadway musicals?  Send us a note to

If this interests you, you can expect to see more detail in a couple of weeks, including menu, prices, reservation details and more.  We’re hoping this is a small first step toward resuming our theater season, which came to an abrupt halt in March because of COVID-19.  Any tickets you purchased for shows that were cancelled retain their value and will be honored when we resume our schedule of Broadway musicals.

Meanwhile, please stay safe. And stay tuned.


Ready for another edition of “Dan speaks”?
Here, Dan uses the empty 2nd Space Theatre to discuss the intricacies of staging. 
2nd Space hasn’t been completely empty.
Arts groups are supporting one another, and Dan let the Tower Quartet
rehearse and record there.  This was their gift back to us.